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অপরাজেয় বাংলা :: Aparajeo Bangla

Beyond Candid organizes প্রজন্ম থেকে প্রজন্মে

New generation brings new meaning to lives

Amrin Mehjabin Sultana

২২:১৮, ২৮ আগস্ট ২০২১


Beyond Candid organizes প্রজন্ম থেকে প্রজন্মে

New generation brings new meaning to lives

“Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.”
-J.K Rowling

The beauty of our society lies in our heritage and our spirit for life. All of us inherit the stories of our roots and our identity from our families and elders. Generations of people have carried on the lessons of our history, our sense of belonging and the legacy of their lives to pass them down to their children. On the contrary, the youth rejuvenates the traditions and culture of any society. In every era, the new generation has brought new meaning to our lives with the guidance of the previous generations.

Though most of us expect that we will always be in harmony with the principles and the way of life of our elders, it is a difficult goal to reach in this time and day. Misunderstanding of each others' stances and communication gaps give rise to unwanted clashes between people belonging to different generations. The swift modernization of our society with technology as its most powerful weapon is forcing us to adopt different changes into our lives rapidly. Most of the time, our elders are failing to cope up with this new speed of life. As a consequence, they mask their loneliness and their fear of the unknown under the disguise of being disappointed in the youngsters. The new generation is enamoured with the glamour promised by the high-tech life of the 21st century. Chasing that dream often rips away the chance one might have of living a grounded life. At the end of the day, both kinds of generations are left with an inner frustration.

Realizing the need to discuss these changes, Beyond Candid has dedicated its platform to put forth a new series named "প্রজন্ম থে কে প্রজন্মে ". Identifying the changing intergenerational perspectives, the Beyond Candid team strives to bridge the gap between consecutive generations in each episode. To bring our worlds closer, we have to listen to one another. It is
absolutely essential to hear the fresh voices of today resonate with the wise words of the previous generation. Keeping this goal in mind, every episode of the series has a multi-generational speaker panel. Shedding light on different social transitions while sharing each other's experiences proved to be a unique opportunity for both the panelists and the organizers to observe the changes happening all around.

"প্রজন্ম থে কে প্রজন্মে " series has been well received by the viewers and because of that, its second season is currently on air. But this time a recognized organization 'Reflective Teens' joined the team to dig up the deep-rooted social issues to speak about in this season. Reflective Teens works with the teenage community to empower and build up their social skills. Also, they provide opportunities to flourish adolescents exploring capacity.

The first season had managed to capture the attention of eminent professionals and young adults alike. It pulled a sheer amount of crowd. Episodes of the first season highlighted issues that are widely considered as the foundation of our social lives. The evolution of our mother language and our familial ties has been robust for the last couple of decades. The new
generation is still grappling to coexist with the existing norms and the emerging modern views.

The first two episodes successfully analyzed these issues. The rest of the season covered important subjects like the acceptance of mental health and the dynamics of modern-day friendships. With more than 20,000 viewers and 150 shares, the first season of the series ended on an excellent note.

After a break, the Beyond Candid team launched the second season of "প্রজন্মে থে কে প্রজন্মে " on 17th June. Till now, the episodes of the current season have been addressing contemporary topics which we feel are necessary to integrate into our lives. This season's reception has been warmer than before. Because of that, the production team has been able to provide a more inclusive platform for both the speakers and viewers to share their views on intergenerational change. The first five episodes have initiated dialogues about the role of reading and books in our lives, teacher-student relationships, comprehensive sex education etc.

This season's episodes intend to address problems that have plagued our society through generations. Such topics have already brought a big number of viewers. Tackling social problems like bullying and psychological trauma need support from everyone. The production team is now more spirited than ever to find common ground between the current and previous

Change is inevitable in every step of our lives. But, together we can accept it as something beautiful. All of us should appreciate each others' stories of life. Whatever the struggles might be, it is never too late to learn and to be grateful. Our new generation is the pioneers of our future. Empowering them with the lessons of wisdom is the best gift our previous generation can pass on to us. Clashes amongst the generations will only get us this far. The time tested values and ideals our elders adhere to should be upheld with respect. We all can be more accepting of the positive things the younger generation introduces us to as well. All in all, we can turn the dream of building a better world into reality together.

Transcripted By: Amrin Mehjabin Sultana, Documentation Officer, Beyond Candid

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