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Harvard professor to join McWeadon-Faith Bangladesh Webinar on e-learning

Staff Correspondent

২১:১৪, ৫ জানুয়ারি ২০২১

আপডেট: ২১:১৯, ৫ জানুয়ারি ২০২১


Harvard professor to join McWeadon-Faith Bangladesh Webinar on e-learning

Educators and students from around the world are curious about the future of colleges and universities, will they open soon? If yes, in what format? On Campus classroom-based, stand-alone online or blended-hybrid method?

Whatever formats are possible, but they must be based on stakeholders’ (students, faculty members, communities, etc.) needs and the readiness and capabilities of institutions.

A thoughtful conversation from highly respected leaders in the field of E Learning and Educational Technology could help to ease peoples’ fears and help to provide a vision for moving forward.

Keeping this in mind a webinar series has been designed to discuss the challenges faced by the different actors/stakeholders including the students, and the way outs for the future.

A Harvard professor along with e-learning experts and scholars from USA and Bangladesh will join in a webinar titled E-Learning and Future Education scheduled for January 09 (Saturday) to express their thoughts.

This is going to be the second webinar in a row jointly organised by McWeadon Education and Faith Bangladesh.

Chris Dede, Professor of E-learning Technologies, Harvard University,   Fayyaz Khan, Vice-Chancellor, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology-BUBT, Reggie Smith, CEO, United States Distance Learning Association, Prof Dr. Joseph Rene Corbeil, Educational Technology Teaching and Learning, University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley will also join.

Badrul Huda Khan, a Bangladeshi American scholar and President of McWeadon Education will moderate the session from Washington, USA while Dr. Aftab Uddin, CEO of MCWeadon Education will co-host from Dhaka.

McWeadon is a newfound e-learning platform to bring international means and methods to Bangladesh.

Badrul H. Khan, an internationally famous e-learning educator and book writer is the key initiator in bringing the world knowledge to Bangladesh through the McWeadon Education, a press release said.

Globally, we are passing together a challenging time due to COVID-19 pandemic which jeopardized the atmosphere in all sectors including the social sector like health, education etc, said Badrul H. Khan. 

The global education system is going through an unprecedented disruption due to pandemic. Due to nationwide lockdown/ shutdown across 150 countries affecting almost 80% of the world student population. Students of all levels are momentarily out of their respective educational institutions because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Almost every nation (developed or developing) adopted the popular Remote/Online/E-learning methods to help the students affected due to closure of schools and the temporary shutdown of face to face learning. However, the digital divide and the economic recession impacted heavily students all over the world as well, he added. 

The objective of the first of the series webinar was to dig out the thoughts/ opinions of school children from developed countries like the USA and the developing country like Bangladesh. More specifically, participants shared:

1. What they like about online learning?
2. What they don’t like about online learning?
3. What can schools do to make online learning more fun and engaging?

The second webinar will focus on the challenges faced by the different actors/stakeholders including the students, and the way outs for the future.
The webinar will be live at the following web links-


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